Will I be charged for special request?

Special request is a service you can request in your account after we have received your package. We will provide you a quote for you to consider, which you can either accept by making payment or decline, if you do not wish to proceed.

Request, where we deemed as simple, are usually carried out at no additional charge. Some examples are as follows:

  • Provide the general item description e.g. Clothing - dress, Home appliances - microwave oven
  • Checking for an item not included in the package
  • Confirm the quantity 
  • Provide sender's details, if available, or details available on the outside of the package

Checking item details e.g. titles, colour, size, item variation, condition etcs will incur additional charge. It is up to our discretion, as some request will cost more and some will cost less, subject to complexity of your request.

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